Biomedical Test Equipment
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Biomedical Test Equipment

Impulse 7010 Defibrillator Selectable Load Accessory
The Impulse 7010 Selectable Load Box is a unique, robust and easy-to-use tool which provides the capability to test defibrillators under a variety of patient impedance conditions to ensure patient safety and is the perfect companion to the Impulse 7000DP.

Impulse 7000DP Defibrillator/Pacemaker Tester
The Impulse 7000DP defibrillator analyzer and pacemaker tester ensures proper operation and performance of your critical cardiac-resuscitation equipment. It has the ability to test external transcutaneous pacemakers, and is compatible with our Ansur automation software.

Impulse 6000D Defibrillator Analyzer and Tester
The Impulse 6000D Defibrillator Analyzer by Fluke Biomedical is a portable, rugged test device with an intuitive user interface, backlight, and easy-to-read display. It is AED compatible, provides a 12-lead ECG simulation, and boast long-lasting rechargeable batteries.

ESA620 Electrical Safety Analyzer
The ESA620 Electrical Safety Analyzer for biomedical equipments ensures compliance with a wide array of global standards. Complete with Ansur Test Automation, the ESA620 is the preferred electrical safety test tool for IEC60601-1 compliance, safeguarding the accuarate functioning of medical devices.

ESA612 Electrical Safety Analyzer
The ESA612 Electrical Safety Analyzer for medical devices combines the power of a ECG simulator electrical safety tester in a single rugged portable device. It includes two electrical safety test load selections for global use, and is compatible with the Ansur software.

ESA609 Electrical Safety Analyzer
The high-accuracy ESA609 Electrical Safety Tester and Analyzer from Fluke Biomedical is portable, rugged, easy-to-use device, designed for general preventive maintenance and compliance. The ESA609 integrates all functions needed to assess medical devices when patient lead testing is not required.

VT900A Gas Flow Analyzer Ventilator Tester
Reliably conduct in-depth testing of gas flow and other respiratory medical equipment with the VT900A Gas Flow Analyzer / Ventilator Tester. Its large 7" touch screen allows you to view multiple measurements at once, and quickly access menu options. It's a portable, traceable, and highly accurate ventilator tester and analyzer for all types of respiratory equipment.

VT900A Gas Flow Analyzer + VAPOR Anesthesia Tester
With the all-new Fluke Biomedical VAPOR Anesthesia Tester, you can quickly and accurately perform concentration measurements of five anesthetic agents. Used with the VT900A Gas Flow Analyzer / Ventilator Tester, VAPOR offers a complete, simple, and reliable solution for anesthesia machine testing. Complete your whole anesthesia machine PM with this one solution.