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Luxel+ dosimeter badges measure radiation exposure due to X-ray, gamma and beta radiation with optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) technology. These dosimeters are durable and are unaffected by heat, moisture and pressure when the original packaging isn't compromised. Because of the sealant, dosimeter badges may be used for up to a year. Luxel+ is found in more than 80% of hospitals across the country where Radiation Safety Officers have come to rely on its stability, sensitivity and precision.

MicroStar ii
The microSTAR®ii dosimetry system includes a compact, lightweight and portable reader that offers Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) technology for secondary verification of dose for patient therapy Quality Assurance (QA). The system includes software to be used with LANDAUER's nanoDOT™ compact single point radiation measuring dosimeter for medical dosimetry applications. Can also be used to prevent overexposing electronic components during X-ray based, non-destructive QA testing in the semiconductor industry.